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Qarac is vast mountainous region that lies to northeast of the sweltering jungles of Mysteria. Qarac is composed of six ecological regions: the Apu Council, the High Apu Plain, the Palco Straths, the Cloud Forest and the inland Sea of Origin. For such an unforgiving terrain, travelers are often surprised by the population density, the agricultural intensity and the majestic uniqueness of its inhabitants.

Qarac Empire[]

The Qarac Empire is a vast, multi-ethnic/multiracial empire that spans the entire Qarac region. It comprises of over 130 separate nations that live high in mysterious mountains, deep in the lush river valleys, in the vast Apu Plain and the around the high-altitude Sea of Origin. Humans make up the largest bulk of the empire's population, but are largely its sedentary, taxable peasantry. Qarac is the common language of empire and commerce within the region. The Empire is ruled from the imperial city, Qaracyuan by the empress, known as the Qarac (from which the empire takes its name). The empire is considered a curiousity to many, because its army has so successfully dominated its surrounding nations without the use of metallic weapons or armor. Many scholars posit that this due to a subtle, but very powerful nature-based sorcery practiced by its warrior caste. Also, for the degree to which it has successfully stitched together various cultures, ethnicities and races into one imperial society over the short span of 500 years.


The Apu are a mysterious race of mountain dwellers who dwell in the craggy, glacier-capped ring of mountains, known as the High Apu Council, which surrounds the High Apu Plain. "Apu" simply means "Lord" in Qarac. This has led to a profusion of legends among the peoples of the High Apu Plain that the Apu people and the Apu mountain ring they inhabit are one and the same. Each of the peaks has been ascribed a different name, personality and attributes, resulting in the myth that the ring of mountains is actually a council of great Apus, or Heavenly Lords gathered around their great table, the High Apu Plain. While the exact nature of the Apu remains the stuff of legend, their actual existence is fact. They are a tribute paying people under the sovereignty of the Qarac. They are few in number, according to imperial census rolls. Qarac carvans regularly ascend into the Apu Council and conduct trade, so they are known to be fantastically wealthy. They are also known to possess powerful magic and are rumored to supply the Qarac's army with equipment.


The Falkyrie, also known as the Bird Men, are a race of demihuman that are descendants of early humans who inhabited the Apu Council and the Raptor Spirits that inhabit the Sky Realm of the Qarac Cosmology. They are humanoid in stature, with beclawed hands and feet and powerful set of wings folded across their back. Their faces have the appearance of an eagle, or other bird of prey - with sharp eyes and a wicked beak. Plumage varies in color and style, with a wide variety throughout the populations that inhabit the empire. Plumage and color tend to be distinct to each clan, though this distinction has began to break down with the great social intermixing brought about by the Qarac Empire over the last few centuries. The most common plumage colors are blue, black, tawny brown and gold. The Falkyrie are small minority of the empire's population. They tend to live and farm in terraced mountain communities closely connected to the lower altitude settlement of humans throughout the empire. Humans practice terrace agriculture which covers most mountainsides within the empire - another feature that tends to impress outsiders. Human's vary what they plant by altitude, but will only plant to a height of about 11,000ft. A clan Falkyrie will often inhabit the top of a mountain and farm the rest of the mountain top. The Falkyrie clan and the human clans below typically live in tight economic symbiosis. The Falkyrie are also overrepresented in the imperial army - prized by the Qarac as ariel shock troops and deadly in combat in mountainous terrain.


The Panythrie, also known as the Puma Men, are race of demihumans that descend from the original human inhabitants of the cloud forests which rise up out of the jungles of Mysteria and the Puma Spirits that inhabit the Mist Realm of the Qarac Cosmology. They are also humanoid in stature, possessing the head of a great jungle cat, broad chest and shoulders and powerful be-clawed hands, and strong, grasping tail. Panthyrie are one of the largest racial groups in the Qarac Empire. Their population tends to be centered around the fringes of the Qarac heartland, based in the river valleys, Cloud Forests and tropical foothills that feed the torrential watercourses of the Mysteria. The Panthyrie rely on a combination of fishing, terrace agriculture and shifiting agriculture. Their agriculture is famous for the fruit and spice it produces. Panthyrie can be spotted throughout the empire - comprising a large share of its merchant and artisanal caste. They are also heavily represented in the imperial army - making up the backbone of the imperial life guard. Panthyrie tend to come from two population stocks, one Puma appearnce and one of jaguar appearance.


The Vypyrie are a race of demihuman that are descended from the early human inhabitants of the Qarac river valleys and the Serpent Spirits of the Underworld in Qarac Cosmology. They are human in stature with scaly skin, forked tongues and vertical pupils. They also possess silky, jet black hair that it is traditional for them to grow into long manes. The Vyperie still form a princely caste within the multitude of lush river valleys which flow through the Qarac mountains, known as the Palco Straths. Most large farming communities that work the flood plains and low altitude terraces have a chiefly clan that is comprised of Vypyrie from which its leaders - both religious and political are drawn. Although a minority within their communities, the Vypyrie make up a sizable portion of the Quarac Empire's population. They are also overrepresented in the army in positions of command, at the imperial court and in other positions of power within the Empire.

Palco Straths[]

The Palco Straths are as vast network of lush and fertile river valleys deep in the Qarac Mountains. Most, are tributaries - or at least within the greater drainage basin of the mighty jungle waterway, the Mysteria. The source rivers of the Palco Straths descend through the Cloud Forests on the rain side of the Qarac Mountains, draining both glacial melt from the Qarac Moutains and rain runoff from the tropical downpours. Once the watercourse enter the wide straths below, they wind deep in the Qarac Mountains carving out broad, lush river valleys known as the Straths. These river valleys are densely populated by sedentary human farming communities. The watercourse serve as arteries of transport and commerce, shipping agricultural product deep into the Qarac Heartland and also down into the Mysteria tropical basin. Commerce and transport between communities is carefully regulated by the Imperial Court and is tightly monopolized by Panthyrie clans that reside in the Palco communities. By ancient tradition, each strath is governed by a princely clan of Vypyrie. The Vypyrie of the Palco aligned themselves with the Qarac during a series of wars of conquest against the communities deeper in the Qarac Mountains. Because of this, the Imperial Court retained them as a sort of petty nobility in the Palco, dividing up the straths between their clans. The Vypyrie of the Palco, still receive an imperial annuity from the Qarac Court and glean taxes from river commerce and a portion of the harvest tribute - as they are the imperial agents in charge of collection within the Palco. Furthermore, the Vypyrie tend to be appointed by the Imperial Court to local positions of authority within the Straths, in accordance with the traditions of these communities.

High Apu Plain[]

The high mountain plain is a vast, high altitude savannah that is intensively farmed in areas within a week's journey from the Sea of Origin. The High Apu Plain is ringed by jagged frost-tipped mountains (known as the Council of Apu) and serves as a great drainage basin for all the glacial runoff. This forms a network of small brooks and streams that ultimately feed into the great high-altitude Sea of Origin. Because of the intensity of the sun in this clime, the weather is moderate on the High Plain despite the extreme altitude. Villages dot the brooks and streams, as locals have developed the a sophisticated network of stream-fed irrigation canals and resevoirs which as assist these small communities in ekking out a living through intensive year-round agriculture. The intensity of the sun on the High Apu also leads to harvests of over-sized produce. A trait the region is famous for. A significant part of the High Apu is drier and is grazed intensely by communities organized around the herding of sheep, goats, muru and alpaca. The fishing communities around the Sea of Origin, the farming communities in the springfed plains and the semi-sedentary pastoral communities are pre-dominantly human. They are comprised of a multiplicity of people groups and cultures which the Qarac Empire stitched together through war, bribery and shrew marriage and trade alliances. Most of these communities are governed by an elite caste of princelings, and lordings - which have enthusiastically adopted the noble culture imported by the Qarac Court. This has formed a pan-ethnic noble caste that governs the High Apu Plain. The nobility of the High Apu Plain, jockey for position and rank in the imperial court and send the scions of their houses and clans to study the secret arts the nobility use to maintain their power and position at a secret community deep in the Qarac Mountains. The Qarac State Religion views the human people groups of the High Apu Plain as descending from a common ancestor, Huari. The official origin myth states that Huari called his people from the Sea of Origin in three waves. First came the Golden People - created by the Sun (the ancestors of the Imperial Houses), second came the Silver People - created by the Moon (the ancestors of the nobility of the High Apu Plain), and those made of copper, made by the Earth (the ancestors of the peasantry). The secret community in deep in the Qarac Mountains is charged with raising the scions of the nobility in the secret arts given to the nobility by the Sun and the Moon. The nobility are considered demigods upon their return to Qarac society and seem to possess demigod like qualities. Likewise, members of the Imperial Houses study and run this secret community as well, and come back with godlike qualities.

This region is the population center and heartland of the the whole empire, producing most of its agricultural output, filling the ranks of the legions through the imperial levy, and toiling on imperial public works through by paying tribute through the form of labor tax. Most of their labor and military service is served in postings deep in mountain communities - developing infrastructure, such as citadel cities, temples, roads and bridges to support the expansion of the empire. The Imperial Court follows a careful campaign of developing remove regions on its fringe for settlement and forcibly relocating population groups within the empire to hasten their absorption into Imerpial Qaraci culture.

Cloud Forests[]

The Cloud Forests are an extensive region of foothills and mountains the rise up from the steamy Mysterian drainage basin. Perpetually covered in mist, these stifling forests create a unique ecosystem replete with biodiversity. Mainly populated by semi-sedentary populations of Panthyrie, which practice hunting, gathering and slash-and-burn agriculture. However, with the rise of the Qarac Empire, drove demand up for the exotic herbs, spices and remedies contained deep in these Cloud Forests. It also connected the Panthyrie communities of the region into the trade complex which runs through the Mysteria Basin and the Qarac Empire. This trade in exotic herbs and spices have made these communities prosperous and fiercely protective of their control over these resources. Factors and Agents from various empires have established trading posts within the lower slopes of the Cloud Forests, only to see them wiped out by the Panthyrie. The Amyran Federation dispatched a Legatus to the region to negociate directly with local Panthyrie clans and with Qaraci Imperial officials. They were able to win a trading concession to trade directly with Imperial Trading Houses in the region. Other empires, have had less success. The Imperial Trading Houses include a network of fortified complexes that reach down from the Cloud Forests to the tributaries of the mighty Mysteria in order to control unsanctioned trade - but also to ward off marauders. The tribes of Mysteria are constantly on the prowl for the easy trade in riches which flows through this region.

Qarac Mountains[]

The Qarac Mountains are vast body of high altitude mountains which which enfold the Apu Council, the High Apu Plain, the Sea or Origin and the the Palco Straths. It is a region that is known to be rich in mineral resources and exotic fauna and flora. It is also considered a frontier region of the Qarac Empire, as it wraps around the peripheries of the the Imperial heartland. Despite its reputation among the Qaraci for being untamed, it is far from unclaimed. There is a large and diverse population. There is a significant nomadic human population, known to the Qaraci as Runa Sacha. The social organization of the Runa Sacha is unclear, but they are known to be exotic beastmasters with extensive woodcraft and druidic knowledge. They tend to travel far and wide and live a solitary life, or travel in bands of no more than 4. They are also famous in Qarac folklore for their beast companions. Tales abound of tamed fantastical creatures, such as unicorns, wolfs, direbears, jaguars, anacondas, caimans, and condors. There is also a significant Wood Elf populations that populates the forested slopes and inner glens of the Qarac Mountains, known to the Qaraci as the Runa Huaca. The Runa Huaca are famous for fashioning the wild heights and crags of the Qarac Mountains into a scared landscape. Their religion is largely a mystery, but seems to center around place-bound spirits of nature, such as the Naiads and Dryads of the region. The Runa Huaca are secretive and stealthy, so rarely seen in the open, they have left behind a multitude of open air shrines to honor and commune with these place spirits. These shrines, called Huacas, usually involve manipulating the natural surroundings of a naturally beautiful spot, such as a vantage point, a glen, a waterfall or a geyser, or a mighty tree. Huacas can be found at every turn in the Qaraci Mountains and are generally revered by all passing locals and Qaraci alike. They often serve as waypoints and places of trade or shelter, due to their supernatural tranquilizing and restorative and protective powers. Many scholars believe it is the regenerative power resident in the Huacas that out the Runa Huaca and Runa Sacha to be such widely-roving peoples, because they are able to supernaturally recover their stamina and accrue additional pique as they visit numerous Huacas during their journeys. The Runa Huaca also have an undeciphered script used to etch runic instructions, wards, and charms along the natural faces of the holloways and ancient footpaths that wind through the glens and heights of the Qarac Mountains. The Runa Huaca are rumored to have a hidden realm within this region, but that level of social organization is unconfirmed within the Runa Huaca. There is also a small, but visible populations of Barbari, Billymen, and Locrian Elves in the region. The Barbari live in small, semisedintary tribal villages within the glens and jungle foothills that ascend up to the heights of the Qarac Mountains. The Billyman live high on the rock faces of the mountains right around the timberline. The Locrian Elves live on the slopes of the highest mountains and have built several impressive stone and timberwork redoubts which dot the mountain tops and form a defensive network around their main holdfasts and oppida. There are also several settlements of petty dwarves which live within the natural techtonic and volcanic fissures of the Qarac Mountains. These settlements guard the approaches to the great dwarven subterranian trading network, known as the Goldenway. These indigenous settlements of petty dwarves have allowed dwarven trading agents among them from such trading nations as Belegost and other dwarven nations that are a part of the Goldenway trading complex. For this reason, these settlements have become lucrative points for brokering trade from the Goldenway attempting to access the Mysteria River trading complex. It has also attracted the attention of the Locrian Elves, famous for their alphine reeving, and the Qarac Empire. It is also rumored that these Petty Dwarves have tapped the Underdark, as Drowe have been reported as welcomed guests in the midst of these settlements.

The Qarac Empire, which takes its name from these mountains, does have significant settlement in this region, mainly concentrated in the glens and mountain valleys. The Qarac Empire, with its characteristic industrial and economic pluck, has an ambition imperial program to settle, tame and cultivate the region. This involves the careful resettlement of refugee populations from its wars of conquest and the plantation of significant Qaraci settlements centered around facilitating the movement of trade and produce and troops through the region. The famous Qaraci labor tax ensures year-round public works to build canals, dams, bridges, road and terracing in order to open up the rivers to barge traffic and the slopes to intensive agriculture. The Qaraci Imperial Legions also have constructed an impressive network of fortresses, acropoli and ritual complexes throughout the mountains of the region. This had led to much stress and anxiety among the indigenous populations as they grabble with how to respond to such a relentless and coordinated Qaraci incursion. The Runa Sancha, Locrian Elves, Barbari and Petty Dwarves find the material wealth and culture of the Qaraci irresitible, but the change they inflict to the sacred landscape of the region, unconchinable. The Locrian Elves are especially wary as the Qaraci trade agents intrude on their trade with the Petty Dwarves.

Sea of Origin[]

The Sea of Origin, nestled at the heartland of the High Apu Plain, is a remarkable high-altitude sea. Surrounded by the jagged peaks of the Qarac Mountains, the Apu Council, this expansive body of water holds great significance in both the geographical and cultural landscape of the Qarac Empire.

Geography and Hydrology

Situated in a natural basin formed by the encircling mountains, the Sea of Origin is a vast expanse of clear, high-altitude water. Its azure surface reflects the surrounding peaks, creating a breathtaking panorama. Fed by glacial runoff and mountain streams, the sea's pristine waters are constantly refreshed, contributing to its crystal-clear quality. All rivers and streams within the Apu Plain drainage basin return rainfall to the Sea of Origin, replenishing its supply. Since the water runs down from the sacred glaciers of the High Apu Council, it is blessed with supernatural life-giving properties. Those who drink its crystalline waters are restored and refreshed, those who irrigate their fields are blessed with abundance. This has lead to blossoming agricultural valley filled with a great variety and abundance of produce, farmed by a hale commonfolk who are known to live long and healthy lives.

Cultural Significance

The Sea of Origin is not merely a geographical feature; it is deeply woven into the cultural and spiritual tapestry of the Qarac Empire. According to Qaraci mythology, the sea is considered the birthplace of their people. The official origin myth tells of Hudari, a legendary figure, calling forth three waves of people from the Sea of Origin. The Golden People, created by the Sun, represent the Imperial Houses; the Silver People, created by the Moon, symbolize the nobility of the High Apu Plain; and those made of copper, by the Earth, are the ancestors of the peasantry. It was these ancestral peoples who are believed to have intermingled with the ancestral spirits of the Upper (Bird Folk), Middle (Panther Folk) and Lower (Serpent Folk) Realms of Spirit during the ages before the rise of the empire. Therefore, most peoples and cultures of the Qaraci Empire trace their beginnings to the Sea of Origin.

Economic Hub[]

The Sea of Origin serves as a vital economic hub for the High Apu Plain. Its nutrient-rich waters support a thriving ecosystem, providing sustenance for various fish species. Fishing communities, established along the sea's shores, engage in both subsistence and commercial fishing, contributing to the region's agricultural output. The sea's bounty is transported to distant communities, ensuring a steady flow of goods within the empire. The sea also serves as a major trade artery for the plethora of population centers scattered throughout the High Apu Plain and Basin - with most centers able to be accessed by an extensive network of navigable canals and locks.

Ceremonial Sites

Dotted along the shores of the Sea of Origin are ceremonial sites and temples dedicated to the deities associated with water and fertility. These sacred locations play a crucial role in Qaraci religious practices and ceremonies. Pilgrimages to these sites are common, reinforcing the spiritual connection between the Qaraci people and the Sea of Origin.

Imperial Infrastructure[]

Recognizing the strategic importance of the Sea of Origin, the Qarac Empire has invested in infrastructure projects to harness its resources. Canals and aqueducts channel water from the sea to irrigate the fields of the High Apu Plain, supporting the intensive agriculture that sustains the empire. Additionally, the sea's waters are used for transportation, facilitating trade and communication between distant communities.

The Sea of Origin stands as a testament to the intertwined relationship between nature and culture in the Qarac Empire. Its shimmering waters not only sustain life but also inspire reverence, shaping the traditions, economy, and spiritual practices of the diverse peoples dwelling in the realm of the Qarac Mountains.

Maroon Colonies

Scattered across islands in the Sea of Origin are small settlements of Qaraci colonists who have been planted by the empire to rerclaim the lush archipelago from pirates, bandits and maroons fleeing harsh imperial taxes. These remote colonies maintain only nominal connection with the empire and have in recent decades fallen into kahoots with the more lawless elements of the islands. There is also several reed raft colonies which float out on the vast expanse of the Sea of Origin in attempt to evade imperial taxes and maintain their cultural independence.

Temple of the Shaman on Isla Huayra[]

At the heart of the Sea of Origin, on the tranquil and verdant island of Isla Huayra, stands the revered Temple of the Shaman. This sacred site is a testament to the profound influence of shamanism within the rich tapestry of Qaraci religious beliefs. The temple is not only a spiritual nexus but also a center for the practice of ancient rituals and the preservation of the shamanist tradition.

Sanctuary of Spiritual Connection

The Temple of the Shaman is a sprawling complex nestled within lush surroundings, surrounded by vibrant flora and overlooking the azure waters of the Sea of Origin. The architecture of the temple reflects a harmonious integration with the natural environment, with open courtyards, stone altars, and intricate carvings that pay homage to the spirits believed to inhabit the island.

Importance in Qaraci Shamanism

Shamanism holds a significant place within the diverse religious landscape of the Qaraci Empire. Shamanic practices involve communing with spirits, seeking guidance from the natural world, and harnessing the mystical forces believed to permeate the land. The Temple of the Shaman serves as a focal point for those who follow the shamanist path, providing a space for rituals, ceremonies, and the training of aspiring shamans.

Connection to Ancestral Spirits

In Qaraci shamanism, there is a deep connection to ancestral spirits and the elemental forces associated with the creation myths. Shamans are revered as intermediaries between the mortal realm and the spirit world. They are believed to possess the ability to communicate with the spirits of the land (Puma Spirits), sea (Serpent Spirits), and sky (Raptor Spirits), invoking their blessings for the well-being of the empire.

Rituals and Ceremonies

The rituals conducted at the Temple of the Shaman are diverse and multifaceted. Shamans perform ceremonies to honor the spirits of the Sea of Origin, seeking their favor for bountiful harvests, successful ventures, and protection from malevolent forces. Offerings of herbs, flowers, and symbolic artifacts are presented at sacred altars, and ceremonial dances accompanied by rhythmic drumming create an atmosphere of spiritual transcendence.

Integration with Origin Myths

The shamanic tradition within the Qaraci Empire is intricately woven into the fabric of origin myths. According to shamanic teachings, the primal ancestors, called forth by Hudari, were gifted with the ability to commune with the spirits. And in this communion the peoples of the Qarac Empire were created. The shamanist religion emphasizes the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth, mirroring the natural cycles of the earth and the cosmos.

Role in Imperial Society

While shamanism is not the official state religion, it plays a vital role in the spiritual life of the empire. Many noble houses, especially those in the Palco Straths and the High Apu Plain, patronize the Temple of the Shaman and support shamanic practices. The imperial court acknowledges the cultural importance of shamanism, often incorporating shamanic blessings into state ceremonies.

The Shaman Stele

At the center of the vast ceremonial complex is a mysterious megalithic monument carved in vague anthropomorphic visage. This monument is known as the Shaman Stele, or colloquially as "The Shaman." No one knows the progeny of this ancient obolisk, or whom it represents. The entire island and complex is name after this mysterious landmark.

Imperial State Religion[]

The state religion of the Qaraci imperial family is a unique blend of nature worship, ancestor veneration, and celestial reverence. Known as Qaraci Cosmology, this religious system is intricately woven into the fabric of imperial culture, shaping the worldview of the ruling elite. The core tenets of the state religion include:

  1. Celestial Hierarchy: Qaraci Cosmology recognizes a celestial hierarchy of deities, with the Sun and the Moon holding paramount positions. The Sun is often associated with the masculine, representing strength, vigor, and the imperial authority, while the Moon embodies the feminine aspects, symbolizing wisdom, guidance, and the nurturing influence on the empire.
  2. Ancestor Worship: Ancestor veneration is a crucial aspect of the state religion. The imperial family traces its lineage back to the primal ancestors, believed to be the first beings created by the divine forces. Ancestral spirits are revered as guardians and protectors of the imperial bloodline, and elaborate rituals are conducted to honor their memory.
  3. Nature Spirits: The Qaraci believe in a myriad of nature spirits inhabiting the land, sea, and sky. These spirits are considered intermediaries between the mortal realm and the divine forces. Rivers, mountains, and forests are viewed as sacred, each housing a unique spirit. Shamans play a vital role in communicating with these spirits to ensure harmony between the empire and the natural world.
  4. Divine Creation: According to Qaraci Cosmology, the world was created through the collaboration of celestial forces, shaping the landscape and bestowing life upon the primal ancestors. The divine act of creation is celebrated through annual festivals and ceremonies, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the imperial family, the land, and the celestial realms.
  5. Imperial Mandate: The imperial family is believed to hold a divine mandate to rule, granted by the celestial deities. This mandate is symbolized by the imperial regalia, which includes sacred artifacts associated with the Sun and the Moon. The emperor or empress is seen as the earthly representative of the divine order, responsible for maintaining balance and order in the empire.
  6. Rituals and Ceremonies: The state religion is deeply intertwined with imperial ceremonies, such as coronations, weddings, and major state events. Rituals involve the offering of symbolic items, sacred dances, and the recitation of hymns that praise the celestial deities and seek their blessings for the prosperity and protection of the empire.
  7. Integration with Shamanism: While not the primary focus of the state religion, shamanic practices and beliefs are integrated into Qaraci Cosmology. Shamans serve as intermediaries between the mortal realm and the spirit world, conducting ceremonies at significant events and offering guidance to the imperial family on matters related to nature and the supernatural.
  8. The three Realms of Spirits: The Imperial House believes in a divine order of three spirit realms, each inhabited by its own cast of spirit beings: The Upper Realm inhabited by Raptor Men spirits, associated with the sky and the imperial afterlife. Entrance into this afterlife is reserved only for the imperial family and those who are "Golden Ones" descended from the Sun. The Middle Realm is the earth and the Qarac Empire, associated with Puma Men spirits and associated with the forces of nature, fauna, flora and the present moment. "Silver Ones" or those descended from the Moon - the major houses and nobility are believed to have an afterlife as sacred ancestral spirits abide in nature who interceed on behalf of their family and house subjects with the forces of nature. The Lower Realm is associated with the sea, underground and underwater. It is believed to be populated by Serpent Men spirits and is associated with the past and times bygone. This is the afterlife that the "Copper Ones" can aspire to. A murky fugue state within the subterranean darkness. They are believed to remain as unconscious lifeforce that gives the land its life and abundance.
  9. Council of Emperors: The Imperial Family practices ritual mummification and perform sacred rites to return former emperors as Mummy Lords. These Emperors are interred in the central throneroom of the Qarachi Emperor and rest sitting on thrones surrounding their living descendant in a Council of Emperors. They are bound to their thrones, so their thrones are convertable into a palaquin that allows them to be transported throughout the empire to preside over religious ceremonies and armies in the absence of the Emperor. They act as the Emperor or Empresses' ceremonial representative and bless the imperial actions over which they preside. Once an Emperor passes and joins the Council, he or she is then addressed as "Exalted Councilor."
  10. Mummy Houses: Many noble houses emulate the imperial practice of mummification and mummify their greatest leaders, keeping them in a similar council. However, the Houses of the Silver Ones lack access to the rites and ceremonies that bring their leaders back in undeath, so this practice serves as ceremonial. The rights they do possess turn them into powerful ritual objects. The Imperial and noble families outside of the direct imperial line, practice this form of mummification. It is common practice when there is a great branch in a House Line, to split off an create another "Mummy House" - in which the scions of the newly minted house branch build a separate family palace or compound and move there with their ancestral mummy to found a new council. In this way and new noble or imperial house is founded. For this reason there are many imperial houses within the Imperial Family outside of the ruling imperial house.
  11. Golden Ones, Silver Ones: The Imperial Family of Houses are considered "Golden Ones" - those descended from the Sun and first called forth from the Sea of Origin by Hudari. They are considered the purest souls and have access to the Upper Spirit Realm in life and afterlife. The Nobile Houses are considered "Silver Ones" descended from the Moon, called forth second by Hudari from the Sea of Origin - having access to the Middle Spirit Realm in life and afterlife. Each caste of Qarachi society as different esoteric knowledge, rites, rituals, customs, beliefs and magicways that help distinguish them from other castes. This is true across ethnicity and culture within the Qarachi Empire. Golden and Silver Ones have more in common with each other than individual people groups do, such as humans and Pathnyrie.

The state religion of the Qaraci imperial family reflects a deep reverence for the natural world, a profound connection with ancestral spirits, and a celestial mandate that shapes the legitimacy of imperial rule. It provides a unifying force that binds the diverse regions of the empire and instills a sense of divine purpose in the hearts of the ruling elite.

Qaracyuan, Imperial City[]

Qaracyuan - Imperial City of the Qarac Empire

Qaracyuan, the heart of the Qarac Empire, stands as a living testament to the intricate tapestry of the Qaraci Cosmology. The city, built upon the foundations of celestial reverence, nature worship, and ancestral veneration, breathes life into the spiritual essence of the empire. Within its walls, major sites and places of interest for adventurers weave a narrative deeply connected to the state religion.

  1. The Celestial Spire: At the center of Qaracyuan rises the Celestial Spire, a towering structure representing the cosmic hierarchy of deities. The upper reaches are dedicated to the Sun, adorned with golden motifs and symbols of strength, while the lower levels embody the Moon's influence with silver embellishments and depictions of wisdom. The Spire is a pilgrimage site for the faithful and a visual reminder of the divine order.
  2. Ancestral Gardens: Surrounding the Imperial Palace are the Ancestral Gardens, a lush expanse where the spirits of past emperors and noble ancestors are believed to reside. Mummified ancestors, transformed into timeless guardians, stand among vibrant flora. The gardens are meticulously tended, and ceremonies are held to honor the lineage that connects the living to the divine.
  3. Nature's Oracle Plaza: Nature's Oracle Plaza serves as a gathering place for shamans and spiritual leaders. A central altar, representing the three realms of spirits, stands as a focal point for rituals and communing with nature spirits. Shamans clad in intricate robes perform ceremonies, seeking harmony between the mortal realm and the spirits that inhabit the land, sea, and sky.
  4. Imperial Mandate Square: This grand square is where the imperial family receives the divine mandate to rule. During coronations and major state events, the emperor or empress, adorned with the sacred regalia, addresses the masses. The square echoes with hymns and rituals that emphasize the celestial authority bestowed upon the ruling elite.
  5. Council of Emperors' Mausoleum: Located within the Imperial Palace, the Council of Emperors' Mausoleum houses the mummified former rulers. Thrones surrounded by mystical symbols and artifacts serve as the seats for the Mummy Lords. The living emperor or empress seeks counsel from these eternal figures during times of great import, solidifying the divine connection between past and present.
  6. Golden and Silver Districts: The city is divided into the Golden and Silver Districts, reflecting the caste divisions within the Qaraci society. The Golden District houses the imperial family and the nobility, while the Silver District is home to the aristocracy. Each district boasts unique architecture, adorned with symbols representing their celestial lineage and esoteric knowledge.
  7. Shamanic Enclave: Tucked away in a mystical corner of Qaracyuan is the Shamanic Enclave, where shamans from diverse ethnic backgrounds practice their ancient arts. The enclave is a hub for those seeking spiritual guidance and houses the sacred Temple of Shaman. Here, the connection between the mortal realm and the spirit world is palpable, and rituals are performed to ensure the empire's prosperity.
  8. The Three Realms Bazaar: A bustling marketplace known as The Three Realms Bazaar brings together diverse cultures and traditions. Artisans, traders, and mystics from different regions within the empire converge, showcasing the richness of Qaraci cosmology. Goods associated with the Upper, Middle, and Lower realms are traded, reinforcing the interconnectedness of the three spirit realms.

Other Points of Interest:

  1. Imperial Citadel:
    • Dominating the city's skyline, the Imperial Citadel is a colossal fortress housing the imperial palace. It is adorned with intricate carvings depicting celestial deities, ancestral spirits, and scenes from the empire's creation myth.
  2. Temple of Celestial Harmony:
    • A monumental temple dedicated to the Sun and the Moon, the Temple of Celestial Harmony is a place of worship and ritual. Its golden spires reach towards the sky, and within its halls, priests conduct ceremonies to seek divine guidance for the empire.
  3. Shaman's Grove:
    • Nestled within a sacred grove, this serene area serves as a hub for shamans and spiritual practitioners. Ritual circles and ancient stones mark the space, where shamans commune with nature spirits and offer blessings to those seeking guidance.
  4. Ancestral Gardens:
    • Lush gardens surrounding the imperial palace, the Ancestral Gardens are a haven of tranquility. Statues of past emperors and empresses are scattered throughout, and it is believed that their spirits linger here, watching over the imperial family.
  5. Market of Elements:
    • A bustling market where merchants from across the empire converge. Named for the five elements, stalls offer goods associated with earth, air, fire, water, and the quintessence. Exotic herbs, gemstones, and enchanted items are traded here.
  6. Astral Observatory:
    • A tower dedicated to celestial observation, the Astral Observatory is where astronomers and scholars study the movements of the stars. It is said that the emperor's decisions are often influenced by the alignment of celestial bodies.
  7. Artisan's Quarter:
    • A district alive with the sounds of craftsmanship, the Artisan's Quarter is home to skilled craftsmen and artists. Visitors can purchase finely crafted jewelry, textiles, and artworks that reflect the rich cultural tapestry of the empire.

Inhabitants of Qaracyuan:

  1. Imperial Family:
    • Residing within the Imperial Citadel, the imperial family includes the emperor, empress, and their extended relatives. They are not only political leaders but also spiritual figures, entrusted with maintaining the divine order.
  2. Priesthood:
    • The Temple of Celestial Harmony is home to a dedicated priesthood responsible for conducting religious ceremonies, interpreting celestial signs, and ensuring the spiritual well-being of the empire.
  3. Shamans and Spirit Guides:
    • Shamans, seers, and spirit guides can be found in the Shaman's Grove, providing spiritual counsel, performing rituals, and acting as intermediaries between the mortal realm and the spirit world.
  4. Merchants and Traders:
    • The Market of Elements attracts merchants from diverse regions, fostering a vibrant atmosphere where goods from across the empire are exchanged. It is also a hub for information and rumors.
  5. Craftsmen and Artisans:
    • In the Artisan's Quarter, skilled craftsmen and artisans practice their trades, creating exquisite items that reflect the unique aesthetics and craftsmanship of the Qarac Empire.
  6. Scholars and Astronomers:
    • The Astral Observatory is a center for intellectual pursuits, drawing scholars and astronomers who study not only the celestial bodies but also the history, philosophy, and arcane arts of the empire.

Qaracyuan is not merely a city; it is a living embodiment of the Qaraci state religion. Its streets echo with hymns, its architecture tells stories of celestial significance, and its people live in harmony with the spiritual forces that shape their empire. Adventurers who traverse its lanes find themselves immersed in a world where the divine and the mortal coexist in a delicate dance, guided by the principles of Qaraci Cosmology.

Mountain University[]

The Mountain University of Qaracyuan: A Caste-Focused Academy of Esoteric Knowledge

Location and Architecture: Perched high in the Qarac Mountains, overlooking the imperial city of Qaracyuan, the Mountain University stands as a beacon of wisdom and mysticism. Modeled after the grandeur of Machu Picchu, this sacred institution seamlessly integrates with the natural contours of the mountains. Terraced structures, adorned with intricate carvings and golden accents, house the classrooms, libraries, and ceremonial spaces.

Who Attends: The Mountain University is exclusively attended by the scions of the Golden and Silver Ones—those descended from the Sun and the Moon. This elite academy welcomes the most promising individuals from imperial and noble families, selected for their potential to wield the esoteric magicways associated with their caste.

Subjects of Study:

1. Caste Magicways:

  • Golden Ones: Students of the Golden Caste delve into magicways associated with the Upper Spirit Realm. They study the ancient arts of the Bird Men spirits, connecting with the celestial forces and learning to harness the power of the sun. The curriculum emphasizes divination, prophecy, and the ability to channel energies from the imperial afterlife.
  • Silver Ones: Silver Caste students focus on magicways tied to the Middle Spirit Realm. They learn to commune with the Puma Men spirits, gaining mastery over natural forces and tapping into the energy of the moon. Skills include manipulation of flora and fauna, weather control, and the ability to sense disturbances in the spiritual balance.

2. Metal-Based Magic:

  • Gold-Based Magic: Golden Ones are trained in the art of manipulating gold's metaphysical properties. They learn to infuse gold with spiritual energies, creating talismans and artifacts that enhance their connection to the Upper Spirit Realm. Gold-based magic is often associated with foresight, illumination, and divine insight.
  • Silver-Based Magic: Silver Ones explore the mystical properties of silver, crafting charms and tools that resonate with the Middle Spirit Realm. Silver-based magic is tied to nature, healing, and protective wards. It is commonly used to commune with spirits of the land and invoke the guidance of ancestral Puma Men.
  • Electrum-Based Magic: An advanced discipline taught to those who show exceptional promise, electrum-based magic combines the qualities of both gold and silver. It is a rare and revered skill, allowing practitioners to bridge the realms and access a balance of celestial and natural energies. Mastery over electrum marks an individual as a true adept in the Mountain University.

Teaching Methods: The Mountain University employs a holistic approach to education, combining scholarly study with practical application. Students engage in immersive experiences, spending time in the mountains to attune themselves to the spirits and energies associated with their caste. Rituals, ceremonies, and meditation are integral components of the learning process, fostering a deep connection between the students and the spiritual forces they seek to master.

Graduation and Beyond: Upon graduation, students emerge as adept practitioners of their caste's magicways, ready to serve their roles in the imperial and noble hierarchies. Many become advisors, seers, or ceremonial leaders, utilizing their magical prowess to guide the empire and maintain the delicate balance between the Upper and Middle Spirit Realms.

The Mountain University of Qaracyuan stands not only as an institution of learning but as a living testament to the intertwining of spiritual heritage and magical mastery within the Qaraci Empire. It is a place where the Golden and Silver Ones come to understand their unique roles in the cosmic order, wielding the powers bestowed upon them by the celestial and natural realms.

Training at the Mountain University:

1. Immersive Learning:

  • Golden Ones: Students undergo intensive training in celestial rites, prophecy, and communion with the Bird Men spirits. They study ancient texts, practice divine rituals, and spend time meditating in high-altitude sanctuaries to attune themselves to the energies of the Upper Spirit Realm.
  • Silver Ones: Emphasis is placed on connecting with the Puma Men spirits, understanding the intricate balance of nature, and harnessing natural forces. Practical experiences in the Cloud Forests and mountain terrains immerse Silver Ones in the magicways associated with the Middle Spirit Realm.

2. Rituals and Ceremonies:

  • Golden Ones: Participating in elaborate imperial ceremonies and conducting rituals involving golden artifacts, students learn to invoke the divine blessings of the Sun. Ritualistic practices are designed to elevate their spiritual presence and prepare them for leadership roles.
  • Silver Ones: Engaging in ceremonies within the Cloud Forests and performing rites using silver-infused items, students attune themselves to the forces of nature. These rituals enhance their ability to commune with spirits, influence the environment, and maintain harmony.

3. Mastery of Metal-Based Magic:

  • Golden Ones: The crafting and enchanting of golden artifacts are integral to their training. They learn to imbue gold with spiritual essence, creating items that enhance their divine connection and serve as conduits for celestial energies.
  • Silver Ones: Mastery over silver-based magic involves creating charms, totems, and tools that resonate with the natural forces. Students learn to infuse silver with the essence of the Middle Spirit Realm, producing items that aid in their connection to the Puma Men spirits.

4. Physical and Spiritual Conditioning:

  • Golden Ones: Physical endurance is cultivated through high-altitude training, symbolizing their ability to withstand the celestial energies. Spiritual conditioning involves meditation, fasting, and exposure to divine energies to elevate their essence.
  • Silver Ones: Outdoor activities in the Cloud Forests develop their connection to nature. They learn to navigate through the dense foliage, communicate with wildlife, and endure the rigors of the natural environment, enhancing their physical and spiritual resilience.

5. Semidivine Status:

  • Golden Ones and Silver Ones: Graduates of the Mountain University are considered semidivine figures within Qaraci society. Their training imparts a transcendent aura, and their mastery of caste magicways elevates them to positions of influence and authority. The semidivine status reinforces the panethnic noble culture, as both Golden and Silver Ones share a common understanding of their roles in maintaining the cosmic order.

Role in Imperial Control:

The Mountain University serves as a linchpin in maintaining imperial control over the diverse populace. The semidivine status of Golden and Silver Ones creates a unifying factor among the panethnic nobility, fostering a shared identity and loyalty to the imperial family. As graduates assume leadership positions throughout the empire, their influence helps bridge cultural gaps and reinforces the imperial ideology. The magicways learned at the academy become a means of control, as the nobility's ability to commune with the spirits and manipulate natural forces instills awe and compliance among the common folk. The Mountain University, therefore, plays a pivotal role in upholding the social order, cultural cohesion, and the divine mandate of the imperial rule. Golden Ones:

  1. Class Assignment: Cleric
    • Explanation: The divine connection, celestial influence, and focus on rites and rituals align with the themes of the Cleric class.
  2. Class Assignment: Paladin
    • Explanation: The dedication to a code of conduct, martial prowess, and divine magic make Paladins a fitting choice for Golden Ones.
  3. Class Assignment: Wizard
    • Explanation: The pursuit of arcane knowledge and the mastery of magical arts connect with the scholarly and wizardly aspects of Golden Ones.
  4. Class Assignment: Bard
    • Explanation: The versatility, charm, and ability to draw on diverse magical effects align with the themes of the Bard class.

Silver Ones:

  1. Class Assignment: Druid
    • Explanation: The close affinity with nature, ability to commune with spirits, and manipulation of the natural world align with the themes of the Druid class.
  2. Class Assignment: Sorcerer
    • Explanation: The innate magical abilities and connection to the Middle Spirit Realm can be expressed through the Sorcerer class, emphasizing raw magical talent.
  3. Class Assignment: Ranger
    • Explanation: The focus on survival skills, attunement to the environment, and connection with wildlife align with the themes of the Ranger class.
  4. Class Assignment: Warlock
    • Explanation: The pact-making aspect of the Warlock class can represent a Silver One forming pacts with nature spirits or entities from the Middle Spirit Realm.

Emperor Trail[]

The Emperor's Trail is a sacred pilgrimage route that winds its way through the heart of Qaracyuan, the Imperial City. It is a journey undertaken by those seeking divine blessings, a connection with ancestral spirits, or the recognition of the celestial deities. The trail holds immense cultural, religious, and political significance, making it a central aspect of life in the Qaraci Empire.

Path of the Trail:

  1. Starting Point: The Sea of Origin
    • Pilgrims begin their journey at the shores of the Sea of Origin, symbolizing the mythical birthplace of the Qaraci people. It is a serene and sacred site where offerings are made to honor the primal ancestors.
  2. Ascension through the High Apu Plain:
    • The trail then leads through the High Apu Plain, ascending gradually towards the Council of Apu, the ring of frost-tipped mountains. Pilgrims pass through villages, offering prayers and receiving blessings from local shamans.
  3. Passage through the Cloud Forests:
    • As the trail descends from the mountains, it passes through the mystical Cloud Forests. Pilgrims navigate the mist-shrouded paths, seeking the guidance of nature spirits believed to inhabit the region.
  4. Entrance to Qaracyuan:
    • The trail culminates at the grand entrance of Qaracyuan, the Imperial City. Pilgrims are met with the sight of towering temples, imperial palaces, and the Council of Emperors. This section symbolizes the journey through life, facing challenges and reaching the pinnacle of spiritual enlightenment.
  5. Ceremonial Circuits within Qaracyuan:
    • Once in the city, pilgrims follow ceremonial circuits that take them to sacred sites, including the Temple of Shaman, the Imperial Palace, and the Council Chambers. Each location represents a different aspect of the Qaraci Cosmology and the imperial lineage.
  6. Council of Emperors:
    • The trail concludes at the Council of Emperors, where mummified rulers from the past are enshrined. Pilgrims offer prayers for guidance, protection, and prosperity. The council is believed to act as a conduit between the mortal realm and the celestial deities.


  • Spiritual Enlightenment: The Emperor's Trail is seen as a journey toward spiritual enlightenment, with each stage representing a phase in the pilgrim's life and the challenges they must overcome.
  • Imperial Connection: The trail reinforces the connection between the imperial family and the people. It serves as a unifying cultural experience that transcends ethnic and regional differences.
  • Political Symbolism: Undertaking the pilgrimage is also a political act, demonstrating allegiance to the imperial order and reinforcing the divine mandate of the ruling family.
  • Annual Festivals: The trail is particularly active during annual festivals, drawing thousands of pilgrims from across the empire. These festivals include elaborate ceremonies, processions, and communal rituals.
  • The Imperial Allowance: Many subjects undertake this pilgrimage after they have completed their mita or labor tax. Those laboring on imperial public works are provided with an allotment of clothing, supplies and an imperial pilgrim's edict granting them free and safe passage to the trail head at the end of their stint of labor. This is seen as a great honor by those who are awarded it and it brings great blessing and renown back to the families who are able to complete the Emperor's Trail. For many, it is a grand tour of the empire and the adventure of a lifetime.

The Emperor's Trail is a living tapestry of Qaraci culture, spirituality, and political ideology, weaving together the diverse threads of the empire into a single, sacred journey.

Place of origin[]

The Place of Origin is a revered and mythical site at the heart of the Qaraci Empire, situated on the shores of the Sea of Origin. This location holds deep cultural, religious, and historical significance for the Qaraci people, serving as the symbolic birthplace of their civilization. It is a sacred pilgrimage site and a focal point for various ceremonies and rituals.

Key Features:

  1. Sacred Shores: The Place of Origin is characterized by pristine shores along the Sea of Origin, a high-altitude sea. The tranquil waters are believed to hold the essence of the empire's creation and the blessings of the celestial deities.
  2. Mythical Birthplace: According to Qaraci Cosmology, the primal ancestors of the Qaraci people were called forth from the Sea of Origin by Hudari, a divine entity associated with the Sun. The Place of Origin is where this miraculous event is said to have occurred, marking the beginning of Qaraci civilization.
  3. Ritual Offerings: Pilgrims and locals alike visit the shores to make offerings to the primal ancestors and the celestial deities. These offerings may include symbolic items, flowers, and artifacts representing the connection between the mortal realm and the divine forces.
  4. Pilgrimage Starting Point: The Place of Origin serves as the starting point for the Emperor's Trail, a sacred pilgrimage route that winds through the empire. Pilgrims commence their journey here, seeking spiritual enlightenment, divine blessings, and a connection with their ancestral roots.
  5. Ceremonial Gatherings: The site is often used for large ceremonial gatherings, especially during significant events in the imperial calendar. Festivals, rituals, and communal celebrations take place on the sacred shores, reinforcing the cultural and religious identity of the Qaraci people.
  6. Nature Spirits: The belief in nature spirits is strong at the Place of Origin. It is thought that these spirits inhabit the land, water, and sky, acting as intermediaries between the mortal realm and the divine. Shamans and spiritual leaders often conduct ceremonies to honor and communicate with these spirits.
  7. Symbol of Unity: The Place of Origin symbolizes the unity of the Qaraci people, regardless of their diverse ethnic and regional backgrounds. It is a shared cultural heritage that binds the empire together, emphasizing a common origin and destiny.
  8. Imperial Architecture: Over the centuries, the site has seen the construction of imperial architecture, including shrines, statues, and symbolic structures that pay homage to the founding myth. These architectural elements contribute to the visual and spiritual significance of the Place of Origin.

Mountain Agriculture[]

The mountainous terrain of the Qaraci Empire presents a challenging yet ingeniously cultivated landscape, showcasing the remarkable agricultural practices]developed within the Empire. These mountain agriculture techniques have allowed the Qaraci people to harness the fertile slopes of the Qarac Mountains, ensuring a sustainable food supply for their vast and diverse population.

Terrace Farming:

  1. Majestic Terraced Fields: The slopes of the Qarac Mountains are adorned with a breathtaking network of terraced fields that cascade down the hillsides. These meticulously constructed terraces, maximize arable land in the challenging mountainous terrain.
  2. Elevated Irrigation Systems: To overcome the challenges of irregular rainfall and elevation, the Qaraci people have developed sophisticated irrigation systems. Gravity-fed channels and aqueducts, drawing water from mountain streams and glacial melt, nourish the terraced fields, ensuring a consistent water supply for crops.
  3. Crop Diversity by Altitude: The Qaraci farmers exhibit a deep understanding of altitude-based agriculture. Each terrace level is strategically dedicated to specific crops based on their altitude preferences. Lower terraces may host staple crops like maize and quinoa, while higher terraces might be reserved for hardier crops such as potatoes and tubers.
  4. Intensive Agroforestry: In addition to terrace farming, the Qaraci people practice agroforestry, integrating fruit-bearing trees and medicinal plants within the terraced landscape. This approach enhances biodiversity, provides shade, and contributes to the sustainability of the mountain agriculture system.

Shepherding and Pastoralism:

  1. Mountain Grazing: The higher reaches of the Qarac Mountains are utilized for extensive grazing. Communities engaged in shepherding mountain livestock. These animals not only provide wool, meat, and hides but also contribute to the fertility of the soil through natural fertilization.
  2. Nomadic Herding Practices: Nomadic herding communities, such as the Runa Sacha, roam the mountainous regions with their herds. They practice rotational grazing, allowing sections of the land to recover while promoting sustainable herding practices that align with the natural rhythms of the environment.

Seasonal Adaptations:

  1. Harvest Festivals: The Qaraci agricultural calendar is marked by vibrant harvest festivals, celebrating the culmination of each growing season. These festivals are not only occasions for communal joy but also involve rituals and ceremonies to express gratitude to the celestial deities and nature spirits.
  2. Storage Facilities: Recognizing the importance of preserving harvests for the non-growing seasons, the Qaraci people have developed innovative storage facilities. Underground silos and cold storage structures carved into the mountainsides allow for the extended preservation of grains, tubers, and other crops.

Cultural Resilience:

  1. Ceremonial Offerings: Agricultural practices are deeply intertwined with Qaraci Cosmology. Farmers perform ceremonial offerings at designated shrines within the terraced fields, seeking blessings for bountiful harvests and protection from natural forces.
  2. Inclusive Farming Communities: The agricultural practices foster a sense of communal interdependence. Families, clans, and entire villages work collaboratively to maintain and cultivate the terraced fields, reinforcing the idea that the land is a shared resource and responsibility.

The mountain agriculture of the Qaraci Empire stands as a testament to the resilience, ingenuity, and cultural richness of its people. Through a harmonious blend of traditional wisdom and environmental adaptation, the Qaraci have transformed the challenging mountainous landscape into a thriving agricultural haven.